
Getting More Leads for Your Birmingham Business Through Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Videos

Posted by Tarjinder Kailey on Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The essence of online marketing are online visibility, generating leads, and increase in sales. There are many ways for your business to be found online, such as through ads, email marketing, content marketing, video marketing, and a lot more.

In Birmingham, SEO videos have become the most effective tool to get more traffic and increase sales. Why? Because videos simply work.  People want to see you, feel you, and get to know you better. All these can be achieved through incorporating SEO videos on your blogs or site. Videos allow potential customers to get to know you and like you, and probably you’ll become their logical choice.

How Video Marketing Helps Improve Your Online Presence

When you create a new website, you can’t just expect it to automatically get traffic. You must have to prove that your website is the most relevant among all others to increase its online visibility. In order to achieve this, you need the help of SEO experts.  They are skilled and well-trained with search engine marketing and they have developed innovative techniques and strategies to increase your online presence.

If you’re one of the thousands of Birmingham online marketers looking for more leads, it’s high time for you to hire the services of an SEO expert. However, if you have trouble convincing yourself or the marketing team how important video marketing is, you might want to know how beneficial SEO videos are for you.

The Benefits of Video Marketing You Need To Know

  • People love watching videos online. YouTube alone has more than 4 billion views each day and Google loves (and owns) YouTube. In a recent study by Ooyola, an online video technology provider, they predicted that in 2016, around 1.5 billion people will watch at least one online video a day. What’s more interesting? This number of people can be your potential customers!
  • Videos are educating and engaging. People love visuals and there can be no other more efficient in educating and entertaining consumers at the same time than through videos.  Moreover, a video keeps consumer glued to your site. 
  • Videos establish brand identity. Compared with other online marketing tools, a video is way better at making consumers learn and get to know your brand better.  
  • Your competitors are using online videos.  According to PRWeb, From 70 %, now 81 percent of businessmen and marketers use online video in 2011. Your competitors can be too way ahead of you.
  • Videos are searchable. Consumers who will be looking for your products can easily see your videos. YouTube videos get ranked high in Google. 
  • Videos are likeable and shareable. No matter the publishing platform ( YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Viddy and Keek, etc), your videos can be shared in a matter of minutes repeatedly. Video sharing allows your message to reach your potential customers. 
  • Videos allow for real time comments, feedback, and interaction. People love to comment and share their opinions or reviews about the product they have tried or the services they get. Videos would be a great tool for you to learn about what customers say about you.  
  • Videos are mobile. Online videos can be accessed through Smartphones and other handheld devices. Isn’t it amazing to know that you can be in people’s hands almost all the time? And yes, buying your stuff is just a click away from their mobile phones. 
  • Videos are forever.  When you upload videos online, they stay there forever, unless of course, you delete them. Haven’t you noticed that you can still view videos online that are over 5 years or more?  

Now, efficient videos are not just fun and entertaining. They also have to be search engine optimized. If you aren’t optimizing your videos, it will less likely reach your intended customers. So no matter how many videos you upload every day, they are useless.

TIPS for An Efficient and Successful Video Marketing Business

So how do you ensure your videos get results? As previously mentioned, videos should be optimized. We refer this as SEO videos. This is what SEO experts in Birmingham do.

Below are SEO experts’ tips on how to build and increase your online visibility.

  • Make sure the video content is relevant, and informative, engaging, and offer viewers something they want to see.
  • Make sure that the video is of exceptional quality for better viewing. 
  • Make sure you incorporate your brand and logos into your videos. 
  • Keep the video short. It should only be five minutes or less. For longer videos, cut it into several chunks for better viewing.
  • The title of the video should be catchy and interesting and must contain keyword/key phrases relevant to your brand or service. 
  • The  ‘Tag’ section of the video should be filled with relevant and important key phrases.
  • The video description should also be keyword-rich for better searching. 
  • Make sure that you put your website at the bottom of your video and also at the ‘description’ section.
  • Video transcriptions are a must. Make sure that you also have an on-page copy that can be indexed by search engines.
  • Make your video go viral by allowing users and viewers to embed your video whether on their own website or blog.
  • Submit your video to RSS feeds and syndicate your videos to gain more exposure for your brand or service.
  • Take advantage of the popularity of the social networking sites and share your videos. 

Now, having read this, you might think that you don’t need the help of SEO experts anymore. You’re wrong. Absolutely wrong.

Remember, in video marketing (or online marketing as a whole), change is inevitable. With regards to SEO, Google always changes the rules. SEO strategies today may be not efficient in the next few months and your website needs to stay relevant and current. So, it is recommended to have an SEO expert for your business to thrive in the very competitive world of internet marketing in Birmingham.

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