
Birmingham Social Media Marketing: How Small Business Owners Can Be Successful on Twitter

Posted by Tarjinder Kailey on Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Twitter is one of the most powerful social media marketing tools in the world today. For many marketers, Twitter is beyond a social media site. It is a very efficient way to grow a business. It also has a great impact on your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Using keyword-focused tweets can  supplement your SEO activities and  help you boost your search engine rankings.

However, even with the many great things twitter can do for a business, still many internet marketers don’t see the potential of using this marketing strategy to improve their business.

Why should you use twitter?

Here are the top reasons you should know.

  • Your customers are on Twitter. 
  • Signing up for Twitter is FREE.
  • You can have a personal account for your business and brand yourself.
  • You don’t have to pay to promote your products and services.
  • You can connect and ask feedback from your followers and future followers in order to improve your product or services, and/or the customer service.
  • You can tweet about the company’s latest updates anytime you want to. Just don’t overdo it. 
  • You can tweet about deals and promotions to give your company a boost. 
  • It helps increase your customer’s brand loyalty.
  • It increases sales and leads.
  • It is viral and therefore you can make trending or viral promotion tweets. 
  • You can freely spy on your competition through using Twitter Search app.
  • Using twitter for your business is fun. 

See how beneficial twitter is? With all these many benefits twitter can offer your business, you are really missing out on a huge opportunity.

On Getting Your Birmingham Business Found on Twitter 

Social networking sites has its own unique characteristics as well as guidelines. While you can post as many characters as you want on Facebook, Twitter is well-known for its 140 character limit per post.  Many businesses find it intimidating. But as they become familiar as to how Twitter works, things began to run smoothly as ever, helping  every Birmingham business get noticed  and generate leads.

Here are a few tips and trick to get noticed on Twitter:

  • Use Short Posts–  You only have a limit of 140 characters on Twitter, but shorter posts have higher  interaction rates than longer ones. Reducing the length of your tweet also provides more space for your followers to retweet and reply to it.
  • Use Hashtags (#) –  When you place a hashtag (#) before the word in your tweet, it automatically becomes a link, or a topic/keyword of your tweet and is viewable by your followers. This way, anybody on Twitter who searched for the hashtag can see your post. This will greatly benefit your SEO and helps you establish online visibility.
TIP: Use more than two hashtags per tweet so it will not be considered a spam.

  • Use Mentions(@) –  Talk to the people who follow you. When you reply or respond to a tweet, use mentions or @. This allows for a conversation, interaction, or discussion between you and your followers. Make sure you reply and answer all the questions from every person on Twitter who mentioned  you or your business.  Customers love it when a company would make efforts to respond to all their comments or their tweets. It’s a great way to show that you care enough for them and their needs.
  • Do Retweet (RT) –  Social media is all about interaction and one way to do that is by retweets. Retweeting makes your followers feel special - that you admire their content or tweets and you can relate to or agree with it. In addition, retweets also help you build your brand. Are your posts retweeted?
TIP: If you want people to retweet your posts, leave as much as 20-25 characters in your post for a more convenient RT’s.
  • Tweet interesting and helpful contents  - The content of your tweets should also involve helpful business-associated articles, products, photos, etc. that should compel and convince followers to interact and probably purchase the product/services. With your every tweet, it’s either you’re giving your followers a reason to retweet your posts or unfollow you so make sure you tweet something helpful.
  • Tweet Consistently -  Keep your tweets as relevant and current as possible. Moreover, it should be fun, interesting, and not too sales pitchy. But first, you have to know the difference between posting consistently (as often as you can) and spamming.
  • Post and Post.  Retweeting is not enough. It’s better if you post quotes and interesting links relevant to your business so your new followers will have an idea of the kind of company you are. Remember: Your links should not always point back at you or people are going to ignore you? Do I make sense?
  • Respect. One of the guidelines in Twitter is respect. And by that, you need to follow those who follow you. However you must also bear in mind to follow those people who are interesting and are useful for your business.  Don’t just follow them because everyone else is doing it. 
  • Don’t Automate.  It’s called ‘social network’ for a reason. Don’t automate your tweets. You can schedule it but be sure it’s not automated or it will affect you and your business and you’ll lose your credibility. Furthermore, answer and respond to tweets and comments in real-time.

Twitter marketing is definitely easy, effective, and most of all FREE (not unless you hire someone to handle your account). But then again, you need to follow some guidelines. If you believe you’re not good at doing it alone, you can get some help from social media marketing services in Birmingham.

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